Ellen & Alan Cottrill

Ellen & Alan Cottrill's Fundraiser

Guardian ad Litem Foundation's Empowerment Scholarships- Providing Support for Higher Education for those in the Foster Care System image

Guardian ad Litem Foundation's Empowerment Scholarships- Providing Support for Higher Education for those in the Foster Care System

Join me and make a difference, please donate today.


$5,225 towards $3,500

Six children. Six different paths and opportunities for higher education - from accounting to cooking, teaching, and more. The support that we were able to give to our kids helped them become the successful adults they are today. I’m sure many of you reading this can say the same for your children, or even your own education. But I want to shed light on those teens who don’t have any support system, financial or other, to help them navigate this crucial and foundational time of life.

The experiences that my children and I had indeed played a role in shaping who we are, today. There were the obvious privileged benefits, such as overseas studying opportunities and family vacations to look forward to, after difficult semesters. But what of the little things that we take for granted? Things like having enough money to eat or having a decent place to live - or just being able to come home for a home-cooked meal and a hug. For children who are out of high school and transitioning out of the foster care system, their secondary school experience looks very different, and for many, it’s not an option at all. Guardian ad litem is working to change this with the newly established Empowerment Scholarship that provides extra help where State intervention leaves off.

While State funds pay for tuition to state colleges and universities, for those aging out of foster care, it doesn’t cover tuition for any skilled training, trade school, books, housing, or private institutions. Because of this, many teens don’t even try because the thought of doing this on their own, without the support of parents and family, is just too overwhelming.

PLEASE JOIN ME IN SUPPORTING Guardian ad Litem Foundation in making a difference in the lives of these young adults to give them the support to succeed.

My goal is $3500.

The first $1500 will be matched by Opus Group construction company